Sunday, February 04, 2007

Handrail, Stairwell and Shelves

This weekend we tackled three projects at the same time.

First was the handrail for the new stairs. We made it from a 2x4 and a 2x2, we routered the edges, sanded it, and painted it after it was up.

Tracy drawing the line on the wall.

For the shelves, we used the hammer drill
to mount one side of the shelves to the wall.
All the edges up.
We built the other side on the floor.
Then we trimmed the sheets of plywood, to 24" wide.
Then we screwed the shelves in, four shelves, 24" deep. 16' long.

Tracy and Ruth worked on the wall along the edge of the stairs.
...and that's where we stopped for today.

Ben wore his hearing protection!